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“Donation of “Essays in Memory of XuFancheng” to US Library of Congress: Preserving the Legacy of a Chinese Scholar”

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On April 30, 2022, Madam Radha met with Mr Nedunkilli Rajaraman, the representative from the “US Library of Congress, US EMBASSY” to donate a special book. The book, entitled “Essays in Memory of XuFancheng,” is a collection of writings and reflections honouring the life and work of the late Chinese scholar XuFancheng.

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During the meeting, Madama Radha and Mr Rajaraman discussed the importance of preserving the legacy of XuFancheng and the significance of his contributions to the field of India-China cultural relations. He also highlighted the book’s unique value as a resource for scholars and researchers studying Indian culture and history.

Mr Rajaraman expressed his appreciation for the donation and praised the book’s scholarly merit. Madam Radha also thanked Mr Rajaraman for his efforts to promote cultural understanding and exchange between the United States, India and China.

The donation of “Essays in Memory of XuFancheng” to the Library of Congress will ensure that the legacy of XuFancheng will be preserved and accessible to future generations of scholars and researchers. It is a valuable addition to the Library’s collection and will contribute to the study of India-China culture and history.